Co- Authors: M. Arcari 1, A. Baxendine 1
and C. E. Bennett2
1. Intersep Ltd 2. University of SouthamptonMore information can be obtained on and, Ectoparasites and Endoparasites.
3. Infections through the Gastrointestinal Tract Part ThreeThe Flagellates
Giardia lamblia
Dientamoeba fragilis
Trichomonas hominis
Chilomastix mesnili
Enteromonas hominis
Retortamonas intestinalis
Identifying Flagellates
Table 1. Differential morphology of flagellatesfound in stool samples of humans.
Key 1. to identifying stained flagellate trophozoites
Key 2 to differentiating flagellate and amoebic cysts
The Flagellates
The flagellates belong to the Magistophora and possess more
than one flagellum. Beating these flagella enable them to move. A cytosome may
be present which helps in the identification of the species.
Flagellates possess one advantage over their amoeboid
relatives in that they can swim. Therefore, enabling them to invade and adapt to
a wider range of environments unsuitable for other amoebae. They are able to
change from a flagellated free-swimming environment to a non-flagellated tissue
dwelling stage and vice versa.
Flagellates are known to inhabit the reproductive tract,
alimentary canal, tissue sites and also the blood stream, lymph vessels and
cerebrospinal canal.
There are pathogenic and commensal species of flagellates.
The flagellates which are encountered in the intestinal tract are Giardia
lamblia, Dientamoeba fragilis, Chilomastix mesnili, Trichomonas hominis,
Retortamonas intestinalis and Enteromonas hominis (the latter 2 being
less common). The trophozoites are easily recognised in saline preparations by
their motility. However, accurate identification is done on a permanently
stained faecal smear. Cysts are more commonly seen than the trophozoite.
Giardia lamblia
is a flagellate of world-wide distribution. It is more common in warm climates
than temporal climates. It is the most common flagellate of the intestinal
tract, causing Giardiasis. Humans are the only important reservoir of the
infection. The infection is most common in parts of the world where sanitation
is at its lowest. Giardiasis is an infection of the upper small bowel,
which may cause diarrhoea. Only Giardia spreads disease. (Diag 1 illustrates
the G. lamblia life cycle)
Morphology of trophozoites
The trophozoites of G. lamblia are flattened pear
shaped and are an average size of 15m m long, 9m
m wide and 3m m thick. When stained, the
trophozoite is seen to have 2 nuclei, 2 slender median rods (axostyles), and 8
flagella arising from the anterior end. They have been described as looking like
tennis rackets without the handle (they are often seen has having a comical
face-like appearance when looking at the front view). (Diag 2 & Fig
The movement of the trophozoites are described as tumbling
leaf motility, using their 4 pairs of flagella for locomotion. They attach
themselves to the surface of the jejunal or duodenal mucosa by their disc-like
suckers which are found on their ventral surface. They multiply in the gut by
binary fission. Once the trophozoites drop off the mucosal surface they are
normally carried in the intestinal contents down the gut where they usually
Diagram 1. Life cycle
of Giardia lamblia. (Adapted and redrawn from NCDC)
Fig 1. Giardia
lamblia trophozoites trichrome stained from a duodenal aspirate. The nuclei
and the flagella are clearly visible. Free living organisms have two nuclei and
a large karyosome. The adhesive disc and 4 posteriorly directed flagella are
visible in the trophozoite on the left hand side. (8 x 11m
m) (
Morphology of cysts
The cysts of G. lamblia are 8 - 12 m
m in length and are ellipsoid in shape. They contain 4 nuclei which tend not to
be obvious. Longitudinal fibrils consisting of the remains of axonemes and
parabasal bodies may also be seen. Cysts may appear to shrink from the cell
wall. (Diag 2 & Fig 2 & 3) The cysts are infective as soon as
they are passed.
Clinical Disease
Giardia lamblia colonises the small intestine where the
trophozoites adhere to the mucosal surface by means of their sucking disc. Cysts
are produced as the parasites descend the intestinal tract although trophozoites
can be passed in the faeces in severe infections. G. lamblia is
transmitted through ingestion of cysts in contaminated water or food. Cysts can
survive outside the body for several weeks under favourable conditions. The main
symptoms are abdominal pain,
flatulence, and episodic diarrhoea with steatorrhea and
periodical soreness in severe cases. No blood or mucus is normally seen. However
50% of G. lamblia infections are symptomless, although severe infections
may develop in immunocompromised hosts. What determines susceptibility is poorly
understood. After swallowing cysts for the first time, symptoms commonly develop
2-6 weeks later.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Cysts can be found by examination of the deposit of a formol-ether
concentrate of a stool preparation. The oval cysts with thick walls serve as
characteristic features for these organisms. (Keys 1 & 2) The
flagella disintegrate and form a central ‘streak’ which becomes visible when
stained with iodine or MIF (merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde). Cysts may be
excreted intermittently, therefore it is important to examine more than one
stool. Stools are usually passed 3-8 times / day and are usually pale,
offensive, rather bulky and accompanied by much flatus.
Trophozoites are found by examination of saline wet
preparations of fresh, diarrhoeic stool, duodenal or jejunal aspirate or in a
permanently stained faecal preparation.
Trophozoites can also be found in the jejunal aspirate. These
can be recovered by the String Test or Enterotest capsule and the material
examined microscopically for motile trophozoites.
Trophozoites and cysts can be found to be scarce in chronic
infections. Serological methods of diagnosis are proving to be useful as means
of diagnosis. An ELISA to detect IgM in serum provides evidence of a current
infection. A polyclonal antigen-capture ELISA can be used to demonstrate
submicroscopic infections in faeces and an IgA-based ELISA will detect specific
antibodies in saliva. Table 1 (page 17) details useful morphological
features that are similar between species of flagellate and are used in
laboratory diagnosis.
Dientamoeba fragilis is an amoeba-flagellate with a
cosmopolitan distribution. The life cycle is not known.
Morphology of trophozoites
D. fragilis are relatively small, varying from 3 - 22 m
m in diameter and there can be considerable variation in size among organisms in
the same faecal sample. Diag 3 & Fig 4, 5) The organisms have only a
trophozoite stage and in a permanently stained preparation, one, two or rarely
three nuclei can be seen, two being the most common. The nuclear chromatin is
usually fragmented into three to five granules but these have not been
visualised by Giemsa Stain, and there is normally no peripheral chromatin on the
nuclear membrane. The cytoplasm is usually vacuolated and may contain ingested
debris as well as some large uniform granules. The cytoplasm can also appear
uniform and clean with a few inclusions. D. fragilis live in the lumen of
the caecum and upper colon.
This is a controversial area. The organism has been reported
in association with mucous diarrhoea, abdominal pain and tenderness. Nausea,
vomiting and low-grade fever have also been reported in a number of cases. The
precise role of this organism as a cause of disease remains to be determined.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Diagnosis is dependent on examination of the fresh direct wet
preparation or permanently stained smears prepared from unformed or formed
stools with mucus. (Keys 1 & 2) It is particularly important that
permanently stained smears of stool preparations should be examined, because
survival times of the organism in terms of morphology, is very limited and
specimens must be examined immediately or preserved in a suitable fixative as
soon as possible after defaecation. The recommended stains are Fields’ and
Giemsa stain (trophozoites are destroyed in a formol-ether concentrate). Table
1 (page 17) details useful morphological features that are similar between
species of flagellate and are used in laboratory diagnosis.
Trichomonas hominis
This flagellate is cosmopolitan in its distribution. It is
thought to be non-pathogenic although it has been associated with diarrhoeic
stools. It is the most commonly found flagellate next to G. lamblia and D.
fragilis. Found in a wide host range including non-human primates, cats,
dogs and various rodents. (Diag 4 illustrates the life cycle of T.
Morphology of trophozoites
Trichomonas hominis do not have a cystic stage. The
trophozoites measure from 5-15m m in length by 7-10m
m in width. (Diag 5 & Fig 6)The shape is pyriform and has an axostyle
which runs from the nucleus down the centre of the body and extends from the end
of the body. They also possess an undulating membrane which extends the entire
length of the body and projects from the body like a free flagellum (this
feature distinguishes it from other trichomonads). The characteristic number of
flagella is five, there is some deviation from this number. They also have a
single nucleus at the anterior end. Trichomonads swim with a characteristic
wobbly movement, which makes them unmistakable during diagnosis.
Laboratory Diagnosis
In a fresh stool, the flagellates move very rapidly in a
jerky, non-directional manner. The axostyle and undulating membrane are
diagnostic. (Keys 1 & 2) The flagellates are difficult to stain,
however, the axostyle can be seen on a stained preparation and is diagnostic. Table
1 (page 17) details useful morphological features that are similar between
species of flagellate and are used in laboratory diagnosis.
Chilomastix mesnili
Chilomastix mesnili is cosmopolitan in distribution
although found more frequently in warm climates. It is thought to be
non-pathogenic although the trophozoite has been associated with diarrhoeic
stool. This is the largest flagellate found in man with an incidence of 1-10%
being in the large intestine.
(Diag 6 illustrates the life cycle of C. mesnili)
Morphology of the Trophozoite
The trophozoites of C. mesnili are pear shaped and
measure 6-20m m in length. They have 1 large nucleus
with a small karyosome and 3 flagella that extend from the nucleus at the
anterior end of the parasite. A distinct oral groove or cytosome can be seen
near the nucleus with its sides being supported by two filaments. They are known
to move in a directional manner. (Diag 7 & Fig 7)
Morphology of cysts
The cysts are 6-9m m, they have a large
single nucleus with a large karyosome. They also have a prominent side knob
giving it a characteristic lemon shape. (Diag 8 & Fig 8) The cytosome is
evident with a curved shepherds crook fibril. It also has a characteristically
coiled filament which when stained is darker in colour.
Fig 8. Chilomastix
mesnili cysts are excreted with faeces and constitute the transmission form
of the micro-organism. The uninucleated lemon shaped cysts are seen with a
little proturberance at one end and a prominent cytostome. (Iodine stained). (6m
m) (
Laboratory Diagnosis
The characteristic lemon shaped cysts can be seen in a formol-ether
concentrate. (Fig 8) Motile organisms can be seen in a wet preparation of
a fresh stool however the characteristic morphology is evident in a permanently
stained preparation. (Keys 1 & 2) Table 1 (page 17) details useful
morphological features that are similar between species of flagellate and are
used in laboratory diagnosis.
Enteromonas hominis
Enteromonas hominis is a small flagellate and is rarely
encountered in man. It is found in both warm and temperate climates and is
considered to be non-pathogenic. (Diag 9 illustrates the life cycle of E.
The trophozoites are oval and 4-10m
m in length. They have 4 flagella, 3 anterior flagella and one adheres to the
body ending in a tail, producing a jerky rotational movement. They have one
nucleus with a large karyosome that is evident in a stained preparation. (Diag
Morphology of the cyst
The cysts are oval and range between 6-8m
m in length. They have up to 4 nuclei with a bipolar tendency. (Diag 11)
Laboratory Diagnosis
The cysts are seen in a formol-ether concentrate. The cysts
have no distinguishing characteristics and thus can be confused with E. nana
or even yeasts. The characteristic trophozoites can be seen in a permanently
stained faecal smear. (Keys 1 & 2) Table 1 (page 17) details useful
morphological features that are similar between species of flagellate and are
used in laboratory diagnosis.
Retortamonas intestinalis
Retortamonas intestinalis like Enteromonas hominis
is a small flagellate and is rarely encountered. It is found in both warm and
temperate climates and is considered to be non-pathogenic. (Diag 12 illustrates
the life cycle of R. intestinalis)
Diagram 12. Life cycle of Retortamonas
Morphology of the trophozoite
The trophozoite is small, measuring between 4 and 9m m. Its movement is jerky and rotational and has 2 anterior flagella and a prominent cytosome that can be seen in an unstained preparation. It has a relatively large nucleus at the anterior end with a small compact karyosome. (Diag 12)
Morphology of the cyst
The cysts are small and pear shaped. They range in size
between 4-7m m with 1 large nucleus frequently near
the centre. The fibril arrangement from the nucleus is suggestive of a birds
beak. This is characteristic of R. intestinalis cysts. (Diag 13)
Diagram 13. Systematic
diagram of a Retortamonas intestinalis cyst. Seen as a small pear shaped
organism. (Adapted and redrawn afterJ.D. Smyth)
Laboratory Diagnosis
The small pear shaped cysts are uncharacteristic in an
unstained formol-ether preparation. However, the addition of iodine reveals the
characteristic bird beak fibrillar arrangement in the pear shaped cyst.
In a fresh stool preparation, the 2 anterior flagella and
cytosome can be seen in the trophozoite. In a permanently stained preparation,
the large nucleus with small central karyosome is diagnostic. (Keys 1 &
2) Table 1 (page 17) details useful morphological features which are similar
between species of flagellate and are used in laboratory diagnosis.
3.1 Identifying Flagellates
It is important to know and understand the morphological
features which differentiates each species of flagellate from an other. Table
1 details the important features that are used when identifying flagellates
found in human stool samples. Trophozoites and cysts can be seen in saline
mounts of fresh faeces. On occasions, species identification may require stained
Size (length)
Number of Nuclei
Number of Flagella*
Other features
Trichomonas hominis |
8-20m m Usual range, 11-12m m |
Pear Shaped |
Nervous Jerky |
1 Not visible in unstained mounts |
3-5 anterior. 1 posterior. |
Undulating membrane extending length of body. |
Chilomastix mesnili |
6-24m m. Usual range, 10-15m m |
Pear Shaped |
Stiff Rotary |
1 Not visible in unstained mounts |
3 anterior. 1 in cytostome |
Prominent cytostome extending 1/3 –1/2 length of body. Spiral groove
across ventral surface. |
Giardia lamblia |
10-20m m. usual range, 12-15m m. |
Pear Shaped |
"Falling Leaf" |
2 Not visible in unstained mounts |
4 lateral. 2 ventral. 2 caudal. |
Sucking disc occupying 1/2 -1/3 of ventral surface. |
Enteromonas hominis |
4-10m m. usual range 8-9m m. | Oval | Jerky | 1 Not visible in unstained mounts |
3 anterior. 1 posterior. |
One side of body flattened. Posterior flagellum extends free posteriorly. |
Retortamonas intestinalis | 4-9m m. Usual range, 6-7m m. |
Pear Shaped Or oval |
Jerky | 1 Not visible in unstained mounts |
1 anterior. 1 posterior. |
Prominent cytostome extending approx 1/2 length of body |
Table 1. Differential morphology of flagellates found in
stool samples of humans. (
Flagellate trophozoites are best identified in fresh saline mounts, allowing you to observe the way that they move. Use Key 1 to help to identify stained flagellate trophozoites.
Use Key 2 to help to identify amoebic and flagellate cysts:
Key 2. Key to differentiating flagellate and amoebic cysts. (Adapted and redrawn, WHO, 1991)
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Brown, VC. A Longitudinal study of the prevalence of
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